Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Important Documents:
Dignity for All Students Act Policy
Dignity for All Students Act Form
If you cannot access this form, please email brittany.frank@neric.org and it will be sent to you.
Q: Who is protected by the Dignity Act?
A: All public elementary and secondary school students are protected by the Dignity Act.
Q: What does the Dignity Act prohibit?
A: The Dignity Act prohibits the harassment and discrimination of students by students and by school personnel.
Q: How does the Dignity Act relate to bullying and hazing?
A: Bullying and hazing are forms of harassment and discrimination.
Q: What physical spaces are covered by the Dignity Act?
A: The Dignity Act applies to behavior on school property (including athletic fields, playgrounds, and parking lots), in school buildings, on a school bus/vehicle, as well as at school-sponsored events or activities.
Q: How does the Dignity Act relate to the school’s Code of Conduct?
A: The Code of Conduct must be amended to reflect the prohibition of discrimination and harassment of students by students or staff– in age-appropriate plain language.
For more information, visit these resource websites:
Dasa Coordinators
Any student or parent can go directly to the Dignity Act Coordinators should there be concerns. Children may also speak to any staff member if they feel that they are the victim of bullying. If you have questions or concerns that are Dignity Act related, please contact the Dignity Act Coordinator for your school:
Grant C. Madill Elementary
Amy DiSalvo, (315) 393-7729, adisalvo@ogdensburgk12.org
John F. Kennedy Elementary
Christina Frank, (315) 393-4264, cfrank@ogdensburgk12.org
Sue Ellen Bouchard, (315) 393-0900 ext. 32902, sbouchard@ogdensburgk12.org
Ogdensburg Free Academy
Cynthia Tuttle, (315) 393-0900 ext. 31912, ctuttle@ogdensburgk12.org
Steve Putman, (315)-393-0900 ext. 31925, sputman@ogdensburgk12.org